This Summer La Belle Classe Academy and Seascope France are giving all 16-22 year-olds the chance to spend up to 2 weeks learning how to drive power boats, jet skis, give First Aid, Fight Fires and survive in a life raft at sea.
The courses listed below are open to everyone. You do not need to be a YCM member to enroll.
Two full weeks of fun on the water, or just one week of your choice, here are the certificates you’ll take away:
- STCW Basic Safety Training certificates
- RYA Power Boat II certificate
- RYA Personal Watercraft (jet ski) certificate
- Knots and ropework completion certificate
- Monaco Weather Lab completion certificate
First Week Program : Yachting Activity - from 7th to 11 th July 2025
about the course
Join us this summer for a fun week of learning at sea and get introduced to the yachting industry.
About the SchoolÂ
The Youth Sea School caters to individuals aged 16 to 22, aiming to acquaint them with various maritime activities, impart watercraft handling expertise, and instill a safe approach to maritime life. Each day of the program is brimming with educational experiences, ranging from operating tenders and jet skis to learning CPR, applying bandages, and administering first aid. The will also get familiar with basic knots and splicing and receiving an introduction to yachting.
In addition to acquiring practical skills, students will enjoy recreational activities such as swimming and snorkeling. The program serves as an initial step towards a career or a gap year opportunity on superyachts.
Place:Â Yacht Club de Monaco
Duration:Â 5 days
Price:Â 1250 euros
Max students :Â 12
Time : 10.00-17.00
What to bring:Â packed lunch, water, sunscreen, two passport-size pictures for RYA licensesÂ
- Powerboat Level 2 and Watercraft handling,
- First Aid
- Weather basics
- Knots and ropework
- Recreational activities: Swim and snorkel
Our trainings and packages do not include accommodation. However, we work closely with a number of partners hotels in Monaco and Beausoleil that offer accommodation. Please, check the list here.
All our courses are conducted in English. A sufficient level of understanding and speaking is required in order to successfully complete the course.Â
Contact us if you have any questions.
Before booking the course, please make sure you read the course delivery, deposit and cancellation policy.
Second Week Program : STCW Basic Safety Training - from 14th to 18th July 2025
STCW Basic Safety Training referred to as STCW 95/10 A -VI/1 is a mandatory training for all people heading out to work at sea onboard commercial vessels including superyachts, cruise liners, expedition vessels, ferries etc. It is a minimum requirement to enter yachting industry. Â
about the course
The week covers the following 5 course modules.
This course covers the syllabus required by the STCW Table A-VI/1-1
You will be taught what you can do to ensure your survival if you have to abandon ship at sea, and the necessary procedures to follow. Covering both theoretical and practical elements, it includes a two-hour pool drill, and instruction in the following elements.
- Correct use of an inflatable life raft
- Launching & boarding a life raft
- Capsizing drills
- How to safely abandon ship
- How to swim while wearing a life jacket
- Other types of lifesaving appliances
***Students should be physically fit. Any medical condition, especially back, cardiac, or respiratory conditions, should be brought to the attention of the Instructor***
This course covers the syllabus required by the STCW Table A-VI/1-2
This course teaches you what to do in the event of a fire on board, it provides you with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and prevent fires. Assistance is limited when a fire breaks out at sea, so well-trained competent crew are invaluable to save lives and prevent irreparable damage.
- Fire causes, prevention, and how to extinguish a fire.
- Cause of fires on vessels
- Basic fire prevention
- Use of extinguishers
- Firefighting techniques
- Use of firefighting equipment
- Use of breathing apparatus
This course covers the syllabus required by the STCW Table A-VI/1-3
This course is a combination of theory and practical training and teaches you how to react in the event of a medical emergency. Â There is a very important practical assessment to the course where students are required, amongst other things, to correctly carry out resuscitation on a manikin.
- Recognition of various medical conditions
- Emergency response treatment
- Treatment and handling of patients in distress
- Treatment of burns and scalds
- Treatment and handling of patients with broken bones
- Bleeding, bandaging methods
- Recognising and responding to shock
- Resuscitation
This course covers the syllabus required by the STCW Table A-VI/1-4
Safety procedures and accident prevention as well as basic understanding of employment on board a vessel and the on board working conditions.
- Personal safety procedures
- Employment rights
- Sexual harassment
- Pollution prevention
- Drug abuse
- Relations with others on board
- Responses to emergencies
- On board organisation
- Working conditions and working environment.
This course covers the syllabus required by the STCW Table A-VI/6-1
Importance of ships security and how to recognise security threats.
This course is designed to meet the requirements for training as set out in the ISPS Code, and the guidance laid out in the SOLAS Regulations 1974.  The training is mandatory for new and existing crew unless they already hold SSO or CSO license.
The course runs for half a day and covers:
- ISPS Code background & introduction
- Maritime Security Threats
- ISPS Duties & Responsibilities
- Maritime Security Levels & Ship Security Assessment
- Security Verification & Certification
- Interaction with Vessels, Authorities & Ports
- Training, Drills & Exercises
- Suspicious Persons & Behaviour & Circumvention of Security
- Weapons & Explosives
Place:Â Yacht Club de Monaco
Duration:Â 5 days
Price:Â 1 100 euros
Max students :Â 12
What to bring:Â Packed lunch, water, sunscreen (Thursday and Friday)
- Monday – 09h30-17h : PSSR and PSA – YCM Classroom
- Tuesday – 09h-17h : EFA – YCM Classroom
- Wednesday Fire Theory – 09h30-17h : YCM Classroom
- Thursday Fire Practical – 08h-18h :Fire ground in Contes
- Friday morning – PST Theory – 09h30-12h : YCM Classroom
- Friday afternoon PST Practical – 14h-17h : Pool or Sea
Our trainings and packages do not include accommodation. However, we work closely with a number of partners hotels in Monaco and Beausoleil that offer accommodation. Please, check the list here.
All our courses are conducted in English. A sufficient level of understanding and speaking is required in order to successfully complete the course.Â
Contact us if you have any questions.
Before booking the course, please make sure you read the course delivery, deposit and cancellation policy.
Upcoming courses
05may(may 5)15h2708(may 8)15h27Polar Code Basic & Advanced
Event Details
IMO Polar Code regulation came into force 1st of January 2017. It regulates all training and certification for officers working in Arctic/Antarctic regions. All SOLAS ships will be affected by
Event Details
IMO Polar Code regulation came into force 1st of January 2017. It regulates all training and certification for officers working in Arctic/Antarctic regions. All SOLAS ships will be affected by this new regulation, and officers must be STCW certified.
- English course
5 may 2025 15h27 – 8 may 2025 15h27(GMT+00:00)
29sep(sep 29)16h0202oct(oct 2)16h02Polar Code Basic & Advanced
Event Details
IMO Polar Code regulation came into force 1st of January 2017. It regulates all training and certification for officers working in Arctic/Antarctic regions. All SOLAS ships will be affected by
Event Details
IMO Polar Code regulation came into force 1st of January 2017. It regulates all training and certification for officers working in Arctic/Antarctic regions. All SOLAS ships will be affected by this new regulation, and officers must be STCW certified.
- english course
29 september 2025 16h02 – 2 october 2025 16h02(GMT+00:00)
29sep(sep 29)16h0202oct(oct 2)16h02Polar Code Basic & Advanced
Event Details
IMO Polar Code regulation came into force 1st of January 2017. It regulates all training and certification for officers working in Arctic/Antarctic regions. All SOLAS ships will be affected by
Event Details
IMO Polar Code regulation came into force 1st of January 2017. It regulates all training and certification for officers working in Arctic/Antarctic regions. All SOLAS ships will be affected by this new regulation, and officers must be STCW certified.
- english course
29 september 2025 16h02 – 2 october 2025 16h02(GMT+00:00)

La Belle Classe Academy
STCW Basic Safety Training WeekÂ
Date : From 14th to 18th July 2025
Place:Â Yacht Club de Monaco
Duration:Â 5 days
Price:Â 1 100 euros
Max students :Â 12
Time : 9.00 – 18.00
Yachting Activity WeekÂ
Dates : From 7th to 11th July 2025
Place:Â Yacht Club de Monaco
Duration:Â 5 days
Price:Â 1250 euros
Max students :Â 12
Time : 09.00-18.00
Two weeks deal
(STCW Basic Safety Training Week + Yachting Activity Week)
Dates : From 7th to 18th July 2025
Place:Â Yacht Club de Monaco
Duration:Â 10 days
Price: 2100 euros